Friday, June 19, 2009

Top 10 Philanthropy, Nonprofit and Social Entrepreneur Experts to Follow on Twitter

The more I give away, the more that comes back. That is the way life works, and that is the way energy works. ~ Ken Blanchard

Since it is #FollowFriday on Twitter today, I thought I would recommend the Top 10 Philanthropy, Nonprofit and Social Entrepreneurial Experts to follow on Twitter. I will try to regularly add some of my favorite and best picks for resources on these subjects and others, but will start with these for this week. My picks are not based on who does the most self promoting, but who I look to regularly to provide the latest and most up to date information and resources on giving and change! So check these resources out and enjoy your #FollowFriday:

1. @Kanter – Beth Kanter is a blogger, training and consultant nonprofits in the effective use of social media. She has great resources, links and information on the intersection between the nonprofit world and the latest and greatest social media and technology. She also has a great sense of humor and puts fun spins on all she does. Check her out!

2. @Sumaya – Sumaya Kazi is a Senior Social Media Manager at Sun Microsystems. Though at 26, she has already won awards for Young Entrepreneurship for founding TheCulturalConnect, an online media publishing company dedicated to young professionals around the world. She is passionate and shares wild and wacky random Sumaya musings. But she is also an excellent resource on anything social media, social entrepreneurial and giving back. Finally, she also is known for her quick wit on twitter and her salsa dancing. This is one woman you don’t want to miss on Twitter.

3. @Philanthropy – This is the Chronicle of Philanthropy’s official Twitter page. It is updated regularly by Peter Panepento with the latest and greatest up-to-date information on philanthropy, social media, social entrepreneurship, nonprofit news and otherwise. Definitely a necessary regular read.

4. @Philanthropy411 – Kris Putnam-Walker is a philanthropy consultant, evaluator and speaker. She is compiling a list of community foundations on Twitter and provides the latest information and links on philanthropy and nonprofits. Read on!

5. @Nonprofitorgs – This Twitter-er provides up-to-date information on nonprofit organizations and serves as a portal to all nonprofits. They only follow nonprofit organizations, but they are worth following to see what’s happening.

6. @Nonprofitmatrix – Run buy George Irish, this is an online directory of service providers for nonprofits and social causes. You can follow and add a listing for your service or software, but more importantly you get informative information in the field.

7. @Kenscommentary & @charitynav – Ken Berger is the President of Charity Navigator (Happy 1 Year Anniversary Ken)! Through his personal tweets and the tweets of Charity Navigator itself, you will get some dry humor, thoughtful musings, oh yeah, and some great up to date information on what’s happening in the nonprofit realm. Worth a follow.

8. @Koodooz – I don’t know who this woman is, but she tweets about great stuff going on by youth in particular and nonprofits, cause marketing and beyond. She is a truly fun person to follow – you can just feel her heart and passion for all that she posts. Definitely two big thumbs up!

9. @stevedrake & @causeaholic – Steve Drake is the CEO of Drake Co, an accredited Association Management Company that focuses on associations, social media and agriculture. Steve is an award winning cause marketer and is passionate about working together with for profits and nonprofits. He provides resources and good discussions around cause marketing that are relevant for everyone in the field. Thanks…keep tweeting. Definitely worth a tweet out.

10. @howardlake & @ukfundraising – Howard Lake is an online fundraising writer, trainer and consultant. He is also the publisher of UK Fundraising, an online resource for professional nonprofit fundraisers. He keeps us up to date on what is going on in the UK and beyond. Follow his tweets, for sure!

Now, these are just my favorite top 10 that I follow on Twitter. I will continue to add more as I find more that provide as great up to date information and help keep me informed on what’s going on in the world of cause marketing, social media, social entrepreneurship, nonprofits and philanthropy. I will also do my best in the coming weeks and months to provide other relevant information on giving sites, nonprofits and related news.

Who do you follow for related tweets? Please share with us all!

You can follow me @pilarstella!


  1. Pilar, thanks for publishing this list. It inspired me to create a simiilar one for my readers, and it's such a good idea! I also recommend following @rjleaman who writes for the Wild Apricot blog. She often writes of great nonprofit/tech and is a very open conversationalist, which I always appreciate.

  2. Thanks Debra, I'll check her out! ;) p
